
         Much of  that which calls itself art  has very little to do with art and aesthetics and nearly everything to do with thinly veiled social engineering and political sermonizing.

        Artists have become silly little drones working for the queen bee. They dutifully propagate her politics ignoring their own breath, their own heart beat, their own observations and their own poetry.

          Artists have returned to being political propagandist working for the King and the Pope. They give us grants, we do what they say. As artists it's important to recognize these things and also to avoid these things.


        As artist we should be listening to internal inquiries, inquiries which are formed as a personal reaction to our own observations of the external world?

        We need not all be following a set of dictates set by self important academics, critics, historians and those who believe that art needs to exist within a set historical timeline or narrative.


                There are people who call themselves artists, who we are to respect and who believe that ten, twenty, thirty years of self absorption, intellectual masturbation, getting  drunk and high off cheep booze and street drugs has not had an effect on the electricity in that rancid pile of jelly they call a brain. It would be hilarious if it were not so damned tragic.


                A good many galleries and museums have taken the complexities, the subtle nuances of form as content and replaced it with anxiety and guilt. if not that, it is simply pop fun time, fluff and foolishness.


                 It seems that somehow the rug has been pulled out from under artists. Knocked dizzy they regained their balance only to find that art making has been replaced with a dubious array of silly, transparent, short lived  and obvious one-liners.

                The proclamations which are the content of this junk do little more than reinforce like minds, entertain and manipulate the ignorant and indoctrinate the proletariat nitwit.

                Because art is misinterpreted as being mostly subjective this silliness has been allowed to prevail. 

                Art has been hijacked by fools and monsters. That is a fact. We do not need to prove the point and we are not going to argue the point. We do not need to. We are making a statement, not proving a theory. Salute The Rough Guys is a reaction to that hijacking.


                Bulling academics have replaced metaphor, beauty, poetry and skill with a dense, unintelligible, ineffective, sterile, boring, self-righteous folly.

               They, the academics are confused about the difference between describing art and making it.  


               People have forgotten how to think. And they have forgotten, don't know how or do not have the courage to go it alone.